Fed Nor Site Access Info
April 24, 2003 Ontario Parks contacts from OP Permit document:
Tidewater, Coral Rapids, Greenwater, Mr. Trevor Griffin, 705-272-6335
Wanapitei, Mr. Dave Coulas, 705-564-7297
Thckery,& Pushkin Hills, Ms. Catherine Gage, 705-568-7677
Winisk River, Ms. Linda Trapp, 807-229-1624
Pipestone River, Mr. Scott Ellery, 807-227-2601.
Proposed FedNor Locations
Location of Previous Teleseismic Sites
Below is a map with locations of temporary arrays in Ontario that have provided useful information about mantle structures. The station at Winisk provided no useful results to the study that Ian Kay did; may be a function of the thick Paleozoic section there. If so, the nerby Sutton Inlier may have better outcrops.
General Links
Interactive Map http://www.getnorth.com/interactivemap.asp
Diamond Exploration Links
Example of Diamond Corridor from Northern Shield Resources Inc. Web site (http://www.northern-shield.com/OntDiamond.htm).
The Victor Project is located in the James Bay Lowlands of northern Ontario, approximately 90-km west of the coastal community of Attawapiskat.
The Wolf Lake property is located near the town of Bannockburn, 50 kilometres south of Bancroft.
The Waxatike Property lies on the intersection of major 060° and 330° trending structural corridors. Kimberlite and kimberlite-related intrusions are known to occur at Coral Rapids which is located further northeast along the same trend. The structures are clearly visible on regional airborne magnetic maps.
The Temagami area of Northeastern Ontario is considered very prospective for diamond exploration. The Company's Temagami Diamond Claim properties are located west of the Timiskaming Structural Zone and straddle the Grenville Front, a deep rooted structure that separates the thick Precambrian Superior craton from the Grenville Province, a cratonized accreted mobile belt
Coral Rapids: Geologically, Paleozoic rocks of the James Bay Lowlands and Archean rocks of the Superior Province craton underlie the property. Structurally, this property is located exactly at the intersection between two major deep-seated crustal fault zones, the NE-SW Kapuskasing Structural Zone (KSZ) and the Lake Timiskaming Fault Zone (TFZ), both known to be favourable to host diamond-bearing kimberlitic intrusions.
NORTHWEST ZONE, Tim Sullivan, Zone Manager, Ontario Parks, 435 James
Street South, Suite 221d, Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 6S8 Tel (807) 475-1497
Email: Tim.Sullivan@mnr.gov.on.ca
NORTHEAST ZONE, Paul Bewick, Zone Manager, Ontario Parks, 199 Larch
Street, Suite #401, Sudbury, ON, P3E 5P9 Tel (705) 564-3164
Email: Paul.Bewick@mnr.gov.on.ca
HEAD OFFICE, Ontario Parks, 300 Water Street, P.O. Box 7000,
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8M5
This number is helpful for finding phone numbers 1-800-667-1940
Central Zone http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/cr2.html
FedNor Site details
1. Tidewater Provincial Park (Moose River)
· Water access only by barge or water taxi
· Island believed to be clay
· Park Tel: (705) 336-2987 June-September (705) 272-4365 October-May
· Crown Land a possibility, MNR contact: Peter Kapashesit (705) 336-1809
· For Crown permission we need to fax a detailed letter explaining ourselves and they will take it from there Fax: (705) 336-2983 Attn. Peter
· Choice 2: Use mine properties at Coral Rapids.
Sulliden company is active there http://www.sulliden.com/promini/CoralRapidE.htm, maps at http://www.sulliden.com/promini/mapsCoralE.htm.
2. Wanapitei Lake, Sudbury
· Road access to all of park
· Geology believed to be gravel
· Park closed during winter
· Northeast Zone (705) 966-0563 Oct.-May (705) 966-2315 June-Sept.
· Choice 2: Use old CNSN? Sites in Sudbury Basin. Ask Phil M about reoccupying one of the old GSC Sudbury sites: SXO SWO SUO prefer the more westerly because of network geometry, but need to examine noise, landowner issues etc .
· Choice 3: Mine sites near Sudbury?
3. Greenwater Provincial Park, Cochrane
· Road access
· 20 min from Cochrane
· Geology believed to be gravel
· Park tel: (705) 272-3481
· Choice 2: "NE Timmins/Cochrane" site might be NE of Cochrane (need to watch spacing/geometry with respect to Moose River / Coral Rapids).
4. Pipestone River Provincial Park, Pickle Lake
· Single road access crosses park and river
· Debeers exploration camp bordering park
· Musslewhite gold mine access road only other road by park
· Scott Elery, park Superintendent, suggested Crown Land
· Park tel: (807) 223-7535
· Choice 2: Check for Airfield?
· Choice 3: Mine property
· See also: http://www.getnorth.com/interactivemap.asp
5. Winisk River Provincial Park
· River access only
· Contact Geraldton Outfitters or Nakina Corp. Outfitters for transporting gear
· Unstaffed park
· Park tel: (807) 825-3413
· Peawanuck is air access only
· Peawanuck Band office (705) 473-2554
· Creebec Air unfeasible at $2.62 per lbs for shipping
Choice 2
Contacted Harry Wobass who is on the river station council for the
Winisk River camp tel (807) 353-6531 fax (807) 352-1218. He also wanted
a detailed letter to review before agreeing to anything.
6. Thackeray Provincial Park, Kirkland Lake
· 39 km east of Matheson
· Road access
· Tel: (705) 642-9702, this number is currently out of service because the park is closed.
Alternates (to move more south)http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/push.html
Contact is Marty Blake, Park Superintendent but, shortly, Trevor Griffin will be taking over. Tel # (705) 272-7139. Road access, roads are in rough shape but usable. Geology includes bedrock outcroppings and lava pillows. 1 hour drive from Kirkland Lake. Unstaffed non operational park, protected area open year round.
· Larder Lake?
· Mine sites?
http://www.infogo.gov.on.ca/paceweb/owa/intergtd_en.disp_detail?EMP_ID=EMP0096447 Mason, John Phone: 807-475-1107 Fax: 807-475-1112 E-Mail: john.mason@ndm.gov.on.ca Address: John Mason Regional Manager - NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE Suite B002 435 James St S Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6S7 Organization Hierarchy: NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES MINES AND MINERALS DIVISION ONTARIO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - RESIDENT GEOLOGIST PROGRAM NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE [Services & Offices Directory] http://www.infogo.gov.on.ca/paceweb/owa/intergtd_en.disp_detail?EMP_ID=EMP0054374 Ireland , Jim Phone: 705-235-1612 Fax: 705-235-1620 E-Mail: jim.ireland@ndm.gov.on.ca Address: Jim Ireland NE Regional Manager - NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE Ontario Government Complex Hwy 101 E PO Bag 3060 South Porcupine , ON P0N 1H0 Organization Hierarchy: NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES MINES AND MINERALS DIVISION ONTARIO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - RESIDENT GEOLOGIST PROGRAM NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE [Services & Offices Directory]
Other Resources, Maps
Permit Application Link http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/form2.html
Northern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Study maps 1:100,000 (e.g. OGS map 5034 1979) are useful resources.