POLARIS Seismograms (updated August 1, 2021)
Current earthquake hypocentre location data available from the reporting agencies are used to retrieve waveform data for selected events and stations of POLARIS arrays from the UWO Central Hub and generate seismogram images shown here. The map on the left shows location of POLARIS NWT, Ontario and BC arrays in dark blue, green and light blue dots respectively and the epicentre of the current event in a red star. The map is divided in 9 boxes and by clicking on each box, Vertical (Z), North-South (N) or East-West (E) component data are shown for selected stations of the three POLARIS arrays (NWT, Ontario or BC). To view data from individual 3-component stations, click on the 3c-Stations link, then click on the station names on the map.
Click on hot link under the "Data" column for data download in SEED format.
This web site is generated automatically and updated frequently. You may need to reload this page for the latest data.
Click on the Event numbers to view data for different events.
When a new event is added to the list, the Data "tag" is set to "U" indicating an unknown quality. Later, data quality tags such as "Good" (A), "Fair" (B), "Poor" (C) or "Bad" (D) will appear on the list to assist in quick identification of events of interest.
Date and Time are in Coordinated Universal Time. Depth, magnitude (Mag) and quality factor (Q) are as defined by the reporting agencies.
Events are currently selected if the reported magnitude is greater than 2.5 for the Canadian and 5.5 for global events. As well all events within about 300 km from the nearest POLARIS station are also selected.
The Reporting Agencies include GSC or PGC from the NRCan National Earthquake Hazards Program's Provisional Summary , NEIC from the USGS Near Real Time Earthquake List , the IRIS Seismic Monitor or others shown in the list, above.
Download option was changed on August 1, 2003. Instead of ftp link, it now uses http link and provides links to seed files for direct download.
Older SEED files may get removed from this site. A full copy of POLARIS data can be obtained through AutoDRM request from the NRCan's National Seismology Data Centre.