The Nanometrics response program

The response program creates the file seed.rsp which is used as input to Nanometrics Inc "makeseed" program to generate SEED volumes with correct response information.

To run the "response" program on the Sun Solaris 5.7, for example, you need all the files listed below. Obtain these files by downloading response.tar from Polaris website, untar to a directory and make sure you add the directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, by typing, for example, the command:


After this, simply run the response program and follow the menu to create your own copy of seed.rsp.

The list, below, shows the step-by-step procedure.


{49}tuzo:/mnt/asudeh/resp% ver
SunOS tuzo 5.7 Generic_106541-07 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4
{50}tuzo:/mnt/asudeh/resp% ll
total 1970
-r--r--r--   1 asudeh   cgd       123684 Feb  8 08:18
-r--r--r--   1 asudeh   cgd       245992 Feb  8 08:18
-r--r--r--   1 asudeh   cgd       191264 Feb  8 08:18
-r--r--r--   1 asudeh   cgd       152824 Feb  8 08:18
-r--r--r--   1 asudeh   cgd           68 Feb  8 08:18
-r-xr-xr-x   1 asudeh   cgd       225280 Feb  8 08:14 response*
{51}tuzo:/mnt/asudeh/resp% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH":".
{52}tuzo:/mnt/asudeh/resp% response
Orion response file generator Version 1.20(C) Nanometrics Inc. 1997 - 
This will generate a response file for use by Nanometrics MAKESEED program.
The output file name is seed.rsp by default. The response output file contains
a number of response stages. Those for the Orion are exact. Those for the
seismometer are typical values.  You may wish to edit the output file to put
in exact pole positions for the actual seismometer.
Enter the sampling rate: 
The following are the supported values: 
10 20 40 50 80 100 125 200 250 500 1000
Sample rate = 100
The system response contains 5 of FIR stages. 
Enter the IIR filter frequency (mHz): 
The following are the supported values: 
0 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
IIR frequency = 5
Select the seismometer: 
The following are the supported types: 
1   S13
2   L4C
3   CMG40T
4   SS-1
5   CMG3T
Response file written and closed
Note: You may wish to rename the output file. The file name should be
      seed.rsp as default or exactly the same as defined by the acquisition
Important: * You must change the time of the rtmStartDate to earlier
             than the time when you start using the system.
           * You should edit the output file to put your actual values
             according to your sensors and gain settings as follows:
Stage 1: Set your seismometer sensitivity (Stage gain).  The current value
         takes into account the possible loss due to damping. The current
         response is normalized to 10e9 counts/m/s for a typical Nanometrics
         normalized system output at 1 nm/s/count.
         Make sure that the positions of poles and zeroes are correct
Stage 2: If you change the sensitivity in stage 1, you also need to
         change the sensitivity in stage 2.
All other stages are fixed at the factory.