Polaris Ontario Year2 Installation Update, August 22-October 11, 2002

In year 2, 8 new stations were installed in the Ontario. All of the new stations were powered by DC (solar panels).

On each installation, a temporary station code is used for a few hours during which the station data are kept in temporary ringbuffers. The temporary station is then closed and new ringbuffers are issued with the registered station code. Details are shown in table, belolw.

Station Date (2002) Time, UT Action Libra Digitizer Seismometer Comments
P44T August 22 23:?? Started new station at Murphy's Point (MPPO). CYG268 HRD255 CMG-3ESP Seismometer vault on solid bedrock.
MPPO August 23 00:00 P44T changed to MPPO. CYG268 TRD255  

Fine X-pol.

P45T August 25 00:01 Started new station at Bancroft (BANO). CYG269 TRD256 CMG-3ESP 3 dB leakage on X-pol. Co-pol 35 dB. Initially had too much power (46), reduced to 41, then GE approved power level. High tree about 100 m in front of the dish.
P45T August 25 15:25 Finishing the new station (BANO). CYG269 TRD256 T3D65 Field crew finished fence, did QC and left the site. Moving to next site (DELO; village of Deloro near Madoc).
BANO August 25 17:30 P45T changed to BANO. CYG269 TRD256 T3D65 EIRP increase set to -8.0 dB.
P43T August 27 16:40 Started new station at Deloro Mine (DELO) near Madoc. CYG267 TRD254 CMG-3ESP X-pol 2 dB. Co-pol 32. Very fine, 30 db separation. DC removal filter is on at 0.001 mHz. Software gain set to 1.048576.
DELO August 27 17:20 P43T changed to DELO. CYG267 TRD254 T3B99 This installation phase ends here. Next phase to start on September 5, 2021 with 5 more stations to install.
P21T Septermber 6 17:00 Started new station at Little Bluffs Conservation Area near Picton (PECO). CYG210 TRD251 CMG40T X-Pol 4 dB, Co-pol 32 dB.
PECO Septermber 6 19:10 P21T changed to PECO. CYG210 TRD251 T4401  
P42T September 7 22:50 Started new station at Lindsay (LINO). CYG263 TRD252 CMG-3ESP X-Pol 2, Co-Pol 30 dB. Perfect for GE. Good view of GE5 and Sun. Quick comissioning. Finished everything in one day.
LINO September 8   P42T changed to LINO. CYG263 TRD252 T3D60 Next station: Bonnechere River Park.
P47T September 10 16:30 Started new station at Bonnechere River Park (BRPO) CYG276 TRD258 CMG-3ESP X-pol 3 and 32 dB.
BRPO September 10   P47T changed to BRPO. CYG276 TRD258 T3D72 Heading to ALGO. Will deliver hardware to the site today, install tomorrow.
P46T September 11 21:27 Started new station at Algonquin Park (ALGO) CYG266 TRD257 CMG-3ESP X-pol 2, Co-pol 34 dB. Long re-bars used at seismometer vault. Distinguished observers from OC in attendance.
ALGO September 11 23:00 P46T changed to ALGO. CYG266 TRD257 T3D70 Teams heading home after a job well-done. Installation of the last station of Ontario year 2 at Centennial Lake Provincial Park is delayed due to permitting of new location.
16 P54T October 11, 2021 19:45 Started new station at Centennial Lake Provincial Park (CLPO). CYG284





Team: Calvin Andrews, Kadircan Aktas, Janet Drysdale. This is the last of 8 stations of Ontario year 2. X-pol 3 dB, Co-pol 35 dB. No complications. A second vault is installed at this site with a Trillium seismometer.
17 CLPO October 11, 2021 20:16 P54T changed to CLPO. CYG284




