
The Portable Observatories for Lithospheric Analysis and Research Investigating Seismicity (POLARIS) is a new earth science program recently funded in Canada. The POLARIS network includes arrays of three-component broadband seismograph and magnetotelluric (MT) mobile field systems that employ the Nanometrics Inc. Libra VSAT satellite telemetry technology to broadcast their data to three central stations in Ontario and British Columbia. The installation of the POLARIS network is currently underway and will continue for the next four years until the network is fully installed. POLARIS data will be available live at the central stations and, a select few or all of the data channels can be permanently connected to the Internet.

The initial focus of the POLARIS network is on the three-dimensionl imaging of the deep structure of the Slave Province in Canada's NWT and on coupled deep structural and earthquake hazards studies in the populated regions of southern Ontario and southwest British Columbia. A Libra seismograph array of 30 stations will be installed in each of the three regions. An MT array of 30 stations is divided into 10 continuous-recording elements that will be co-installed at selected seismograph stations and 20
mobile elements that will cover all the POLARIS arrays as well as being available for research in other parts of Canada.

POLARIS data have much research potential, including: developing new fine-scale imaging techniques using the scattered wavefield, investigating geomagnetically induced currents that can cause major disruptions to electrical and pipeline infrastructure, and developing and testing Rapid Warning Systems for ground shaking in Canada's cities. As POLARIS has a mobile infrastructure, the focus of research will extend to other regions
of Canada after the initial few years of operation.


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